Rexron 80WP
REXRON 80WP merupakan herbisida sistemik pra tumbuh berbentuk tepung berwarna putih kecoklatan yang dapat disuspensikan untuk mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar dan berdaun sempit pada tanaman kelapa sawit.
Bahan Aktif: Diuron 80%
- Pre-emergence Herbicides
- Controlling weed seeds that already grown
- Prevent weed seeds from germinating
- Have a high eradicate power againts various weeds
Product Benefit:
- Have a strong power to eradicate broadleaf weeds and narrow leaves both seasonal and yearly
- Broad spectrum usage
- Spraying on the processed soil with control weed seeds which germinating and prevent new weed germination
- Can be mixed with other herbicides such as Ametrin