Eksamin 865 SL
Eksamin 865 SL merupakan herbisida purna tumbuh yang diformulasi dalam bentuk larutan yang mudah larut dalam air. Eksamin 865 SL berspektrum luas dan termasuk herbisida yang bersifat selektif khususnya untuk gulma berdaun lebar.
Bahan Aktif: 2,4D-amina
- Selective for broadleaf weed control
- Can be mixed with other herbicides for effective use
- Use a little dose
- Does not cause phartenocarpy to oil palm plantations
Product Benefit
- Selective for broadleaf weed control
- Characteristically systematic, control up the roots
- Use a little dose
- Does not cause yellowish and stunted effect on plants
- Has a low content of phenol
- does not damage to the main plant
- Can be mixed with other herbicides (glyphosate / paraquat)